Monday 18 January 2010

Songs from the kitchen 1.

First, Andrew, our English teacher at Highlands Collage, told me an English EXPRESSION about FOTEL. It is WING BACK CHAIR (Three words)!

Since Rob went I tried to make a good friendship in the Big Freeze (Quoted Sky News). My new friend could not move, actually he doesn’t have any legs, and his arms is too short on his white, ball formed body. No problem, differences cannot put obstacles in the way of a really good friendship!

But first we had some difficulties in our communication. When Rob was here he helped me to improve my English and I thought my new friend would do the same favour for me. However, it seemed to me, in short, my English is much better so I considered that it was my turn to give something back! I have patience, time is on my hands, what else do I need? But soon after I realised it led to a dead end, without answers to my efforts, it’s useless!

Okay, let’s do other thing. Body language is a boundless, independent at cultural background so I started teaching my friend how to surf. It seemed to me a brilliant idea, because after I took off the fins from my surfboard we could have done surfing on the slope behind the building where I live. I prepared to the next day, I checked the forecast as I do when I go out surfing. The wind is gentle, 5 mph, temperature is a cosy 8 Celsius, but I haven’t seen my new friend again...

Anyway, life is heroic. I do what I have to do here. Last time, I saw ten ninjas were attacking a young woman and her three children at St Peter’s Co-op in the car park. And I was there. You know people, they usually just try not to notice what can disturb their normal life. Ten ninjas could be very disturbing for them, as they are about to kill a young woman and her infants. So everybody was packing into their trunk, as if the ninja attack was as normal as staying half an hour inside the shop at the till. But I was there!

So many hours that I’ve spent watching Chuck Norris, Bruce Lee, Jean-Calude Van Damme and above all STEVEN SEAGAL in movies weren’t wasted! I could turn all the benefit that I got from them into real martial art skill in a sec. I don’t pull your time saying how I killed the faceless, cruel, well equipped fighting machines one by one. By now they all are in the morgue. But one of them could touch my face causing a bruise around my left eye. His death was very slow and painful. But it’s just enough to mention that after the bloody massacre people burst into a loud ovation. You know, when people don’t want to realise something and somebody stops the reason they are disturbed by then they are grateful. What is the moral? If you don’t want to be a hero don’t go shopping.

I hope this story is more enter-taining than putting down that the wind smashed my board in my face, and that caused the deep red mark around my eye...

Tuesday 5 January 2010

The classy board and the comfy chair

Since I was back here, I've been feeling everything temporary around myself, even though I bought a car and a board – big enough to come across ‘em. These items belong to me but are replaceable, so first I didn’t have particular emotional connections with them. The car and the board represent the freedom and the mobility in my life, and not only represent however also mean!

I recently found a special so-called cushioned chair, this one now rules my room. I came across this throne in the local charity shop, where I looked for a collapsing chair because I’m very short of space. Usually I go buying things with a special purpose (and I never do shopping!) BUT when I saw and positioned my body into that object I was thinking how I could rearrange my room so that I would be able to squeeze in this royal equipment (later about this).

Even though I’m not a big bargain hunter I got the chair £ 12 pounds instead of £ 20. I can imagine the same game in a Turkish bazaar. When you hear the first offer your face suddenly turns into surprise and torment caused by the nonsense of words. However this way you show you’re interested in possessing the item! So after the first bid, £ 20, the seller dropped the price to £ 15 and I felt if I could get this so easily I can obtain a little bit more. So sad face, showing the price causes pain for me but I would take it if only ... Eventually the shop lady told the last bid 12! Then I know that’s it. It is mine. But I felt I shouldn’t have shown my happiness immediately otherwise I’d prove I lied, of course I did, but playing our roles consistently is part of the game. So my face changed, the pain went but I left a pinch of sour expression on it and after couple of seconds hesitation I went to the till with this gorgeous armchair.

When I got it home I started finding out how can I find the right position for the jewel of my room. A drawer is part of every room’s basic equipment, so I grabbed this and the TV on its top and put everything in the wardrobe. If I want to watch telly from my cushioned armchair I have to open the wardrobe door, but it demands too much effort. Anyway I can sleep very well in that, of course at first I always say to myself I study English or read a book or watch a movie (in English), but after 3-5 minutes I fall asleep.

I frankly have to tell you that I’m a little bit disappointed about the fact that there is not a suitable short English word about my perfect chair. Easy chair is two words, like cushioned chair (but even this doesn't exist in English); or carver or recliner is ... I literally don’t know; throne is too royal; Rob told me Chesterfield but these options don’t give the same emotional effect like the Hungarian word FOTEL. Fotel is perfect! It involves the convenience, the perfect size, the prestige that this chair possesses.

By now this item is the central point of my room and life. Usually I don’t throw away my clothes on it, I dry my towels as less as possible on its back, so it has made things (involved me) more organised! I feel now my room is more like a home, therefore my chair must have an aura!

Eventually how can my comfy, home maker chair, which brings about feeling of being settled down, and my frog green car, which gives me mobility and freedom, make a perfect combination? I can put the first one into the second one and I can make a home at anywhere.